HTML Summary
HTML is a set of tags you wrap around content to format and organize it for web use.
<title>Your Title</title>
<section>Your Content</section>
HTML tags are boxes for content. You put the content into boxes and then change the appearance of the boxes or their content using CSS.
This relationship between HTML and CSS is the backbone of web development, allowing you to organize and style content for clarity and impact.
<title>Your Title</title>
title {
font-weight: bold;
Text formatting
Some HTML tags are used to format text directly, like the bold tag.
<title><b>Your Bolded Title</b></title>
HTML includes tags for images, videos, and audio, making it easy to display your media content.
<img src="" />
HTML includes links, buttons, and forms that allow users to interact with a website. Here we see an anchor or web link in use.
<a href="">
<title>Your Title</title>
HTML code that is easy to understand can make your site easy for search engines to crawl, help people with disabilities navigate a site, and help developers working on the site.
<title>Your Title</title>
HTML Types
Block Elements
HTML elements displayed as a block can take up more space than their content, including height, width, margins, and padding. Block elements also fill all the width available, starting a new line on the page. Think of block elements as the boxes you use to create layouts.
Inline Elements
HTML elements displayed inline only wrap around the content, not changing its size. Inline elements do not start a new line and float next to one another. Think of inline elements as styling wrappers.
- You can add comments to HTML using the comment tag. <!– this is a comment –>
- You can create your own tags. <tag></tag>