HTML Tables Summary

Tables are a common way to present information, or ‘tabular data,’ so it’s easy to compare. Tables are arranged into rows and columns, like a spreadsheet.

HTML tables are challenging for beginners and not essential knowledge when first learning web development.


Head & Body

Tables don’t require a head, but it’s best practice to use them. The table head <thead> is where the names of columns will be displayed. Using the head you can style these column titles differently than the rest of the table data.

The table body <tbody> is where you display the rest of the table data. You would generally want all this data styled the same.


Rows & Data

Table rows <tr> run horizontally, left to right, and contain all of your information placed into table data tags <td>. Every row of table data must be wrapped in a <tr> tag. And all table data, or information, in each row must be wrapped in a <td> tag.


Table Visibility

It is important to consider whether a table on a web page will be fully visible to all visitors. For example, will the full table be viewable on a mobile phone with a narrow screen?

There are a number of solutions for ensuring that tables will be viewable on all screens. The most common is to make the table scrollable using CSS, specifically overflow:auto;

Without a solution, tables may be larger than your content wrapper and could break your layout.

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